
Seawall & Bulkhead Repair

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100% Canadian made resin

Seawalls are a coastal defense structure, it's a man-made barrier built along the coastline or shorelines protecting coastal areas and properties from the erosive forces of water. Bulkheads are structural walls designed to provide strength, stability and compartmentalization for safety and structural integrity. Seawalls and bulkheads deteriorate over time, creating cracks, loss of soils, and water stains. We can extend the life of your asset by utilizing specially designed low viscosity, hydrophobic polymers. The injected polyurethane compacts and bonds itself to the soil to prevent water seepage and eroding soils. 
seawall Geotechnical

Our Repair Process

Rize Industries repairs failing seawalls and bulkheads by injecting a specially engineered low-viscosity polyurethane into voids behind the walls. The polymer flows into cracks, eroded areas, and openings, bonding everything together. As it cures, water is displaced, stabilizing soils and stopping leaks. This strengthens the structure and prevents further damage.

What the Repair Accomplishes

Our polyurethane repair fills voids to prevent more erosion, seals leaks to block water intrusion, stabilizes surrounding soils, bonds all materials together for strength, displaces water from damaged zones, and extends the life of walls at a fraction of replacement cost.

Benefits of Our Method

Compared to complete seawall reconstruction, our polyurethane repair solution provides many advantages including minimal impact on the existing structure, rapid cure times for quick return to service, long-term structural integrity, cost-effective repairs, and a non-invasive process with little downtime.

Contact Us

Restore your failing seawall or bulkhead with our advanced polyurethane repair solutions. Contact Rize Industries today to learn more!

What we do:

Sunken Concrete

Void Filling

Unlevel Structures

General Subsidence

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Simply fill in the form below or give us a call at 778-808-9075 and we’ll get in contact with you within 2 business day for your priority free quote and structural assessment.

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